OAuth explained in simple words

OAuth is mechanism introduced for sharing the details in secured and safe way between apps of different companies.

Let me explain you clearly ,

There is a OAuth client and server.

Client is some app that’s going to get some data from server with users permission.

so how to become oAuth client ?

 Get Client-Id and Client-Secret from OAuth server …In most cases we’ll have to get it from the server party manually

 so now we’re going to ask OAuth provider for permission with Client-Id and Secret to get some data it will prompt the user to grant or deny if user presses grant then OAuth server will return a key that is token that will have to be stored in the OAuth client for future access without prompting the user.

So then for accessing the data from server the OAuth client will give client id/secret and token to OAuth server then OAuth server will authenticate and authorise the data transfer.

The OAuth server can change the attributes of this token like One Time Use or for some day or time interval like that.

See OAuth is this much simple.

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